Mouse-look Navigation™ User-guide
Settings & Keymaps
Table of Contents
Subdivision level navigation
This is an operator for "navigating" between subdivision levels of Multires / Subsurf / Subdivide modifiers on selected objects (Blender has a similar operator called "Subdivision Set", but with fewer options).
If you want to make a shortcut for it, use the mouselook_navigation.subdivision_navigate operator identifier.
Warning: if you use Blender versions earlier than 2.93, you may encounter problems when trying to undo the effects of this operator in Sculpt mode.
- Level - the target subdivision level (if Relative is off) or subdivision level offset (if Relative is on)
- Relative - whether to set a specific subdivision level or to increment/decrement it
- Auto subdivide - automatically subdivide when necessary; also adds a subdivision modifier if the object has none (Multiresolution for Mesh objects in Sculpt mode, Subdivide for Grease Pencil objects, Subdivision Surface in other cases)
- Remove higher levels - if level is decremented, remove all higher levels
- Subdivision method - which method to use for subdividing
- Show dialog (keymap-only option) - whether to show the dialog with options or to execute the operator immediately
Known Issues
Known Issues
- The "Blender" trackball mode doesn't actually behave like in Blender
- Ortho-grid/quad-view-clip/projection-name display is not updated
- Blender's Rotate Around Selection behavior is not exactly replicated in sculpt/paint modes and when editing text-curves
- Zooming/rotation around the last paint/sculpt stroke position is not supported
- Panning is not possible when view is locked to 3D cursor (Blender does not provide a way to control this offset)
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